Bicycle Pedal Kicks

Pedal kicks are useful when riding street trials or trials. A pedal kick involves you keeping balance on your back wheel while basically hopping forward or onto objects. First of all, you really don’t want to try this if you don’t have good back breaks, trust me.

Start off balancing on both your wheels and get on your back wheel while balancing in a comfortable spot while holding the back break firmly. Make sure that the gear you are on inst to tough to pedal kick. Once you are comfortable and ready to do it, push down on the pedals with your feel using all your weight and as you let go of the rear breaks, pedal forward about 1/6th of a full rotation while whipping your body forward. Before you land you MUST hold down your rear break or you will fall back. Once you have landed on your back wheel, try and keep balance and do it over and over again. You’ll get the hang of it eventually.

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