Tag: Work

10 Facts About Cycling to Work That Will Encourage You to Ride Even More

In recent years, cycling to work has transformed from a niche activity into a growing trend among urban dwellers seeking healthier, more sustainable lifestyles. There’s something that just feels different when you cycle to work versus arriving by car. I noticed a little extra pep in my step on days that I used my bike to go into the office. It turns out there are plenty of scientific data and insight backing this up. I wanted to dig a little deeper and find more interesting information about commuting by bicycle to work that might encourage others to do the same. Fact 1: Fantastic Health Benefits Cycling isn’t just good for your physical fitness; it’s a lifesaver. Studies have consistently shown…

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Electric Bike Throttle: How Do They Work (and Are They Legal)?

E-bikes are more frequently seen on our roads and trails than ever before. Part of their appeal is the flexibility in how you get from A to B. You can pedal further for longer, or rely on the electric motor to support your pedalling.  Power usually comes via pedal assistance, or by the use of a throttle. Pedal assistance is perhaps better known to most e-bike newcomers; so here we’ll take a look at the throttle system and what it’s good for.  What Does an E-Bike Throttle Do? An e-bike throttle is almost the same as that on an electric scooter or motorcycle. It’s found on the handlebars. By turning the throttle from a standing position, the bike will move…

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Bike Commuting Statistics: 74 Cycling to Work Stats [2023]

Cycling to work has become an increasingly popular form of transportation, with more people opting for a healthy and environmentally friendly mode of travel. With the rise of bike commuting, it’s important to understand the impact it has on cities and communities.  This post presents 75 key statistics on bike commuting, providing insights on the number of people cycling to work, the benefits of cycling, and the challenges faced by cyclists. From the average distance cycled by commuters to the reasons why people choose to cycle, these stats paint a picture of the current state of bike commuting and its future potential. Let’s dive in. Bike Commuting Statistics There are around 1 billion bikes in the world. (Statista) In some…

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Chainless Bikes: How Shaft-Driven Bicycles Work

Chainless bikes are not a new innovation. The first machines to resemble what we recognise as bicycles were propelled by a rider’s legs, but it didn’t take long to find an engineered alternative to human power.  Solutions and tinkering from pioneering inventors turned to existing industrial and mechanical methods of turning gears. This ingenuity brought the shaft-drive system to the bicycle.  Although many inventors received patents, commercial development of the system was eventually stopped by the efficiency and relative low cost of the chain drive system. The arrival of the derailleur in between the two world wars brought standardisation and utility to the world of cycling, coinciding with mass production. The chain drive system, even though not universal,  was here…

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What to Do While Cycling to Work? [11 Great Ideas]

Cycling to work is positive in so many ways. It’s free, healthy, sustainable, and we know that exercise is also great for lowering stress levels and improving mental health. If you’re new to it, be rest assured that cycling to work does get easier over time. Soon you’ll be fitter, healthier, and your route will feel like second nature. But doing the same journey every day at the same time can, for some, become repetitive. According to statistics there are still only around 4% of commuting trips being made by bike in the UK. While some cyclists are completely content with their own thoughts during their commute, others may want something else to entertain, stimulate or relax them. And if…

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Is Cycling to Work Safe? [STATISTICAL ANALYSIS]

If you’re reading this, chances are that you love riding your bike, or you’d like to get into it – most likely to your place of work. But you may be wondering how safe it is to do so. So, is cycling to work safe? Let’s find out… Bicycle vs Car Accident Statistics In 2019 the British Department for Transport recorded that 42% of road deaths were car occupants and only 6% pedal cyclists. Therefore strictly speaking the statistics don’t look too promising for choosing the car as your commuting choice and a lot more favourable for cycling.  Similarly, pedestrians were also included in the same study which found that they were also more likely to to suffer a fatality,…

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