Tag: Saddle

Saddle Soreness: Why Do Bike Seats Hurt (and How to Stop It)?

Although cycling is a fantastic pastime, a way to keep fit and mode of transport many people will find at some point, they develop pain in their nether regions due to their saddle and the many issues they can unfortunately cause you. Butt (apologies I just couldn’t help myself) we no longer live in the olden times when saddles were just made from leather and metal without much variation: these days there’s a lot on the market regarding saddles and other products to help ease any issues that may arise.  Saddle Soreness: Bike Seat Hurts Butt Many of you, if not all reading this, will at some point have experienced soreness from being on a bike saddle. This soreness can…

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Most Comfortable Bike Saddle for Women [Top 5]

For a long time women’s saddles didn’t exist, making it harder and less accessible for women to ride bikes comfortably. Times have thankfully now changed and our list of saddles will help support comfortable riding for all women, something everyone deserve. Do Women Need Different Bike Saddles? Many women will feel that they need a different saddle to the ones that come as standard on their bicycle. This is because most bicycles come with saddles that tend to be basic and orientated towards male anatomical needs. Moreover, it’s really important to note that although women’s anatomy differs, male and female anatomy is of course very different, thus demanding a difference in needs regarding saddle comfort and suitability.  Difference Between Men’s…

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