Tag: Know

5 Things You Should Know About National Bike Month

It’s May, which means it’s officially National Bike Month. The time has come to break out your favorite kit, inflate those tires, and celebrate everything cycling. But for discerning cyclists like yourself, National Bike Month might hold more significance than just a casual ride. Let’s delve a little deeper: 1. National Bike Month Has A Legacy of Advocacy National Bike Month isn’t some fleeting social media fad. Established in 1956 by the League of American Bicyclists (LAB), it’s a well-respected tradition with a rich history. Back then, the LAB, originally called the League of American Wheelmen, was a powerful force advocating for cyclists’ rights and paved roads (cyclists were instrumental in pushing for better infrastructure.). ALSO READ THIS: How Bicycles…

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Highway Code for Cyclists: 23 Essential Cycling Rules to Know

There are lots of misconceptions around what it is legal and illegal for cyclists to do on the roads, or even what cyclists should be doing to be a considerate road user. This confusion has resulted in many an argument between motorists and cyclists, and contributes towards accidents on the roads. In early 2022, the Highway Code was updated to improve clarity, implementing a hierarchy of road users depending on the amount of risk they pose. This gave cyclists some more freedoms to better protect themselves, for example formalising the advice to ride in the middle of the lane where safer, but also some more responsibilities when it comes to protecting more vulnerable road users like pedestrians and horses. Here,…

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