PEZ Blocks Russian Access

Dear Readers, PEZ-Fans, and citizens of the world –This morning I called Kevin at Ironfly Internet (solid company who built and host the PEZ site) – and asked him to block Russian access to the PEZCyclingNews main site.Russia ranked 39th on our list of readers by country for the past 12 months, and my Google stats counted almost 2,600 visit from Russian IP addresses.This is a tiny number, and insignificant to the viability of PEZ – both commercially and creatively. While I welcome readers from every country on earth, blocking this small amount of readers will have little to no impact on the daily functioning of PEZ.What I do hope to accomplish – is to inspire the rest of my colleagues running cycling websites to do the same – block Russian access to your content. This will remove one more enriching part of being part of the global world, and serve notice that if your country can’t play nicely in the global sandbox, then you don’t deserve to be part of it.I’m sure being cut off from our collective coverage of cycling will have little effect on the daily life of Russian people. But as their daily life becomes more and more miserable as they lose access to western trade, goods and entertainment, and their ruble becomes a useless piece of cage liner, I hope this will be just one more straw that will make life shitty enough that they’ll consider ridding themselves of their terrible leadership.If enough of us…
Pez Cycling News

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