Tag: There

Is There An Ideal Temperature For Exercise?

We all tend to have preferred temperatures for our cycling, but is there a best temperature physiologically for exercise? And might there be a difference between men and women?Snow, rain, cold wind, grey skies…. Just no!We all have our weather Kryptonite when it comes to cycling – that set of conditions that makes your ride feel absolutely dreadful. For me, my Kryptonite are those days of 2-4C, grey skies with no sun to warm me, and howling cold winds that seem to cut right through me no matter how I bundle up. I actually rather ride in a sunny but sub-freezing day.A lot of this preference or dislike comes down to personal experience and cultural background. But is there a…

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How Many Bicycles Are There in the UK? [STATS]

With its winding countryside paths, clifftop panoramas, and sweeping coastal vistas, the UK isn’t short of cycling routes. The UK government is also planning to invest heavily in cycling infrastructure, with an eye on a greener future. Cycling is certainly popular. But exactly how many bicycles are there in the UK, and how does this compare with the rest of the world? Is Cycling “Big” in the UK? The UK is in the middle of a cycling boom. Recreational and weekend cycling is up by 60% over the last two years. This is partly due to the coronavirus pandemic. However, investment in infrastructure shows a strong government commitment to making cycling even bigger. Sales of bicycles increased dramatically during the…

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