Tag: Really

Engwe M20 Review: Is It Really an E-Bike?

The rapid growth of electric bikes in the last couple of years has created a bit of a grey area. In the past, it was a easy to tell the difference between a bicycle and a motorcycle. Essentially: the presence of a motor. But with electric versions of both now commonplace, the line is becoming less distinct. In legal terms (in the UK at least) an electric bike is classified as an EAPC (“electrically assisted pedal cycle”) if it meets the following criteria: it’s power output doesn’t exceed 250W the power doesn’t propel the bike beyond 15.5mph shows the power output or manufacturer of the motor shows either the battery voltage or maximum speed If these criteria are met, it’s…

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Is Cycling Really Green? [The Pros + Cons of Bikes for the Environment]

Cycling is great for the body and the mind. Not only is it healthy and fun, but it can also sometimes be the quickest way to travel. When commuting to work in the city, cycling saved me many painful hours of sitting in a car or on a bus, inching along on clogged-up roads. But one of the best things about cycling is that it’s eco-friendly. Those who cycle regularly can take pride in doing their bit for the environment, at least in the travelling sense. I’ve had many a warm, smug glow whilst whizzing past lines of smelly, congested traffic on my way to work. But was my smugness entirely justified? Is cycling really as green as we think…

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