Tag: Most

11 of the Most Radical Road Bikes Ever Built

Strange Bikes: Ed Hood has been looking back in time when bikes were ‘innovative’ in very radical ways, and not always for the best. Here is his choice of radical/unorthodox bike designs, some artisan beauty and some just plain ugly.The low profile – The beginning of the end for Stephen RocheIt was Stephen Roche who said that with the advent of the low profile design, bicycles ceased to be beautiful. And whilst todays carbon – or is it plastic as the old boys say? machines are striking, it would be pushing it to call them beautiful in the way you can a 70s Raleigh, Bianchi or Masi. We thought it might be interesting to have a wander through some alternative…

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Most Eco-Friendly Bikes [Top 4 Sustainable Bicycles]

Cycling is one of the most eco-friendly and sustainable ways to travel. It also offers numerous health benefits, both physical and mental. And the popularity of cycling continues to grow. It’s estimated that around 6.5 million people cycle each year in England alone, for work, leisure or sport. But whatever your reason for opting for two wheels, it’s impossible nowadays not to be aware that it’s a green activity. With growing consciousness around the climate emergency, at least some manufacturers of cycling accessories are responding. It’s possible now to own a sustainable helmet – traditional bike helmets being difficult to recycle. You can even clean your bike with eco-friendly cleaning products. In spite of all this, the production of most…

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Most Comfortable Bike Saddle for Women [Top 5]

For a long time women’s saddles didn’t exist, making it harder and less accessible for women to ride bikes comfortably. Times have thankfully now changed and our list of saddles will help support comfortable riding for all women, something everyone deserve. Do Women Need Different Bike Saddles? Many women will feel that they need a different saddle to the ones that come as standard on their bicycle. This is because most bicycles come with saddles that tend to be basic and orientated towards male anatomical needs. Moreover, it’s really important to note that although women’s anatomy differs, male and female anatomy is of course very different, thus demanding a difference in needs regarding saddle comfort and suitability.  Difference Between Men’s…

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