Tag: Many

E-Bike Wattage: How Many Watts is a Good Electric Bike?

Named after Scottish inventor and all-round brainiac James Watt, the ‘Watt’ is an internationally recognised unit of power. When Mr Watt was tinkering with steam in the mid-1700s he wouldn’t have dreamt that his surname would become the standard rating for all electrical devices around 200 years later. But here we are in the age of electricity, and everything from the humble toaster to the latest electric bike has a watt (or W) rating. Although this might seem a bit like a school physics lesson, understanding the Watt vis-à-vis electric bikes is a good idea before buying an electric bike. This guide aims to help understand what the Watt rating refers to when it comes to an electric bike before…

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How Many Bike Gears Do I Need? [ANALYSIS]

Using gears helps you ride a bike efficiently and enjoyably. Gears help to turn the pedals effectively and consistently. The number of gears required are influenced by what you need and want from a ride. Fitness, cargo, pedal assistance, terrains and wind direction all influence the need for gears.  What Do Bike Gears Do? Gears convert the effort of turning the pedals into a comfortable rhythm at different speeds.  Muscle power and riding conditions control the number of turns (or cadence) you can make. More gears change the cadence and help us ride uphill, transport stuff, beat blustery winds, and improve fitness.  Gears run in ranges, from low to high. A low gear is easier to pedal than a high…

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How Many Bicycles Are There in the UK? [STATS]

With its winding countryside paths, clifftop panoramas, and sweeping coastal vistas, the UK isn’t short of cycling routes. The UK government is also planning to invest heavily in cycling infrastructure, with an eye on a greener future. Cycling is certainly popular. But exactly how many bicycles are there in the UK, and how does this compare with the rest of the world? Is Cycling “Big” in the UK? The UK is in the middle of a cycling boom. Recreational and weekend cycling is up by 60% over the last two years. This is partly due to the coronavirus pandemic. However, investment in infrastructure shows a strong government commitment to making cycling even bigger. Sales of bicycles increased dramatically during the…

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