Tag: Hair

Cycling with Long Hair [Ponytails + Bike Helmets Tips]

If you happen to have long hair then you’ll know that in everyday life, your hair can get in your way and annoy you no matter what you are doing. The same can be said for when wearing a helmet while riding a bike. All that wonderful long hair, but what to do with it? What Do You Do with Long Hair When Cycling? If you are wondering what to do with your long hair while you are cycling and wearing a helmet, then you’ve come to the right place. You no longer have to be partly blinded nor unintentionally eat your hair while it blows in the wind mid ride. As you may have seen, many people with long…

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Best Bike Helmet to Avoid Helmet Hair [3 Hair-Friendly Helmets]

There’s no two ways about it: wearing a bike helmet is absolutely essential, no matter where you ride, how far you ride, or where you’re riding to. However, helmets are infamous for ruining any hair styling efforts, even leaving an unsightly red sweaty mark across your forehead, and no-one wants to arrive at work or social event rocking that look. It can, therefore, feel like you’re stuck between a rock and a hard place. Either you put your safety first and wear a helmet but arrive at your destination looking a bit of a state, or you forgo the helmet to protect your hair and put yourself at risk of serious head injury, or worse, if you come off your…

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