Tag: cyclists

10 Chic Outfit Inspirations for Female Cyclists

Cycling is not just about getting from one place to another; it’s a lifestyle choice that combines fitness, freedom, and, of course, style. Finding outfits that blend functionality with aesthetics can be a challenge for the fashion-forward cyclist. Whether commuting through the city or enjoying a leisurely weekend ride, these ten chic and practical outfit inspirations will keep you cycling in style. Image Credit: DUER 1. Sleek Denim Allure Embrace the urban cyclist’s vibe with high-rise denim trousers and a trucker jacket from DUER. Tailored to be both practical and fashionable, this outfit is perfect for brisk morning rides or casual meet-ups after cycling. Its dark wash and structured fit ensure durability and comfort without sacrificing style. Image Credit: DUER…

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10 Stylish Outfit Inspirations for Male Cyclists

Cycling is more than just a mode of transportation; it’s also a lifestyle that blends function with style. For the modern man who pedals for both pleasure and purpose, striking the right balance between comfort, practicality, and style is key. Whether you’re navigating city streets, cruising through country roads, or gearing up for competitive rides, these ten outfits will ensure you look good while on the move. Image Credit: DUER 1. Casual Weekender The “casual weekender” look by DUER is perfect for laid-back rides and leisurely weekends. This outfit pairs a dark olive green hoodie with light beige pants, offering a relaxed yet stylish appearance that works well for a casual ride in the park or a quick coffee run….

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This Cyclist’s Quick Actions Stopped a Horse From Crashing Into A Peloton

We’ve all seen the iconic footage of the horse joining a peloton of cyclists in 1997 during the Critérium International, a three-stage race held in southern France. It shows a brown horse leaping over a fence and joining a group of cyclists while TV cameras roll. The footage later made it into the French film Amélie and went viral again in 2023, when it resurfaced. Now, the internet is buzzing over a similar incident during the opening stage of the 2024 Arden Challenge in Belgium’s Luxembourg province. The video shows a brown and white horse galloping behind a peloton of riders – its rider missing. Luckily, 23-year-old cyclist Lars Daniels, who grew up around horses, knew exactly what to do…

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6 Things Female Cyclists Are Tired of Hearing 

Countless women worldwide who ride bikes are probably used to hearing certain annoying comments about their bike and/or cycling knowledge. You know the type of comments: mansplaining about how to do simple mechanics or unsolicited advice that was not wanted. They may initially seem comical, but they can become annoying and infuriating after a while. Well, enough is enough, we say. If you are someone who does this, STOP. If you are someone who encounters this rubbish, then we are sure you can relate to our list of the top 6 Things Female Cyclists Are Tired of Hearing. Please let us know if we have missed anything and how you deal with this nonsense!  1. ‘You Need to Put Your…

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Highway Code for Cyclists: 23 Essential Cycling Rules to Know

There are lots of misconceptions around what it is legal and illegal for cyclists to do on the roads, or even what cyclists should be doing to be a considerate road user. This confusion has resulted in many an argument between motorists and cyclists, and contributes towards accidents on the roads. In early 2022, the Highway Code was updated to improve clarity, implementing a hierarchy of road users depending on the amount of risk they pose. This gave cyclists some more freedoms to better protect themselves, for example formalising the advice to ride in the middle of the lane where safer, but also some more responsibilities when it comes to protecting more vulnerable road users like pedestrians and horses. Here,…

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Why Do Dutch Cyclists Not Wear Helmets?

A few years ago I visited Amsterdam to see a close friend of mine, who is Dutch. She’s not sport-obsessed, but she cycles everywhere, as do most Amsterdam residents. She also arranged for me and my friends to have bikes while we were there – the trusty and wholly wonderful ‘omafiets’ that are so comfortable. Of course, I’d known for a long time that Amsterdam was a cycling city, regarded globally as the pinnacle of “bike-friendly”. But nothing really prepared me for experiencing it first hand. I’d been cycling in London for years without any issues, but it was an absolute joy to be cycling in a metropolis, almost entirely separate from traffic. And I’ll be honest, none of us…

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