Tag: Cons

Belt Drive vs Chain Drive Bike [PROS + CONS]

Bicycle engineering methods pioneered in the nineteenth century are still used to this day. The double diamond frame is the best example. Pneumatic tyres are another. Close behind is the chain drive system of propulsion. The belt-drive system is an alternative which offers both mechanical and practical differences which may be more suitable for the 21st century pedaler. What is a Belt Drive? The belt drive is a replacement for the traditional chain drive system. A one-piece unit made of synthetic materials, reinforced with carbon fibre with equally spaced teeth, rotates around a ring at the crank and a single sprocket at the rear wheel.  Propulsion comes via rotating the cranks forward as usual. The tension required is picked up…

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Cargo Bike vs Bike Trailer: Which is Best? [PROS + CONS]

Cargo bikes and bike trailers are excellent ways to transport goods, pets and even children! They make your bicycle more versatile, and they’re great if you want to replace a car with a bike. Although the two might seem similar, there are quite a few differences and choosing can be difficult. If you’re torn between them, here’s a rundown of the pros and cons associated with both. Cargo Bikes Cargo bikes are widely popular across Europe and have been catching on in the UK in recent times. If you’re looking to replace a car and commit yourself fully to cycling (and you have more than you can fit in a rucksack), cargo bikes make transporting everything from the weekly shop…

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Is Cycling Really Green? [The Pros + Cons of Bikes for the Environment]

Cycling is great for the body and the mind. Not only is it healthy and fun, but it can also sometimes be the quickest way to travel. When commuting to work in the city, cycling saved me many painful hours of sitting in a car or on a bus, inching along on clogged-up roads. But one of the best things about cycling is that it’s eco-friendly. Those who cycle regularly can take pride in doing their bit for the environment, at least in the travelling sense. I’ve had many a warm, smug glow whilst whizzing past lines of smelly, congested traffic on my way to work. But was my smugness entirely justified? Is cycling really as green as we think…

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What Are Bamboo Bikes? [Pros + Cons]

Bamboo is a plant, or more specifically a grass. You’ve likely seen in in gardens, or used to construct products such as floors, or furniture. You can also use it to make smaller products like cups, face cloths, and gloves.  However, you can also find bamboo in bike form! What Is a Bamboo Bike?  A bamboo bike is one that has a frame made predominantly out of bamboo. This does not include the lugs holding the tubes of bamboo together to create the frame.  How Are Bamboo Bikes Made?  Bamboo bikes are made from carefully sourced bamboo (the strongest species). The bamboo is cut to size, then bonded together using lugs. The lugs are made from strong, mouldable materials.  The…

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