Tag: City

5 Common Cycling Challenges in the City and How to Overcome Them

Cycling in the city has both its joys and challenges. Zipping through the streets on your bike is one of the best feelings in the world, but it also presents many obstacles that might make your rides less fun. Traffic and bike theft can become such hurdles for urban cyclists that they even deter some riders from taking their bikes for a ride. To be able to navigate your way around town, you need to be savvy enough to know what to avoid and how to keep safe. Let’s explore five common urban cycling challenges and provide practical tips to overcome them. 1. Navigating Through Heavy Traffic This can be scary at first. City streets can be daunting for cyclists,…

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Coventry E-Bike Ban: Has the City Lost Its Mind?

Did you know that Coventry recently banned electric bikes and scooters from its city centers, sparking a heated debate? Imagine this: while these eco-friendly alternatives are under scrutiny, something much more harmful continues to roam freely on our streets. You might wonder, isn’t this against the progress the UK has made recently? Well, you’d be right. Over the past few weeks, there’s been uproar over this perplexing turn of events. Has Coventry lost its mind? Why did this happen in the first place, and, more importantly, what can be done to stop other cities from falling victim to the same mistake? Why Is Coventry Banning E-Bikes? The question that you’re probably asking yourself is, why has this happened? Well, according…

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Best Electric City Bikes [Top 7 for Commuters]

If like many commuters you are tired of strenuously riding to and from work on your regular bike, or just looking for a quick alternative that isn’t driving nor an electric scooter, then you may have considered an electric city bike. As there’s so much on the market currently that sits within this category, you may feel it’s a bit of a minefield trying to navigate the best options for you. But rest assured, we have you covered with our top 7 picks of electric city bikes for commuters. Is An Electric Bike Good for Commuting? An electric bike is a fantastic option for anyone wanting a commuter bike. First and foremost, it’s a great eco friendly alternative to clogging…

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