Five Ways You Sabotage Your Training

TOOLBOX: Over the last 15 years, Ive seen, and made, a lot of mistakes that have muted cycling performance. And after all of these mess-ups and learning (a lot!) here are the top 5 mistakes that keep us from having the stellar seasons we know we are capable of, and how to fix them.*** Warning: None of these are mind blowing, which is perhaps why they are so often overlooked, or ignored. ***Riding hardMistake #1 Riding too hard when youre due to ride easyWere doing an easy ride this weekend almost never winds up being easy. And yet, much of our riding we do on our own, is also not done at an easy enough pace (You know, times such as recovery between intervals on a training ride).I get it, nobody likes to be passed by those whom we normally zip by during our interval days, and it can feel really silly to zoom past others on the bike trail during an interval, only to have them keep passing us during our recovery periodsBut if you really want to be fast, youll need to become a master of riding slow.How to do it: Use your breathing as a guide! When its endurance or recovery time, you should be able to easily breathe in and out through your nose only.Not able to breathe through your nose due to a stuffy nose or sinus issues? You can either use the talking test- you should be able to talk in full, fluid sentences-…
Pez Cycling News

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